Sunday, May 6, 2012

Spring has sprung

Hey everyone! Happy May! When did it get to be May already? It's weird how there can be days that feel like they'll never end, but all of a sudden you look back and realize how long and fast time can go by at the same time.
But it's finally Spring and I'm so glad (although, I wouldn't mind if it started warming up and sticking around for a while now). So what fun, new things has your spring brought with it?
One of the things I look forward to is getting the garden up and running after looking at it all run down through the winter. The flowering fruit trees in the backyard were so pretty this year and since it's their third year back there, hopefully we'll actually start getting fruit on them! :)
  I think Dad and I make a pretty classic gardening team - I usually come up with all these grand ideas of what I'd like to plant and how to lay everything out, and he gets to come in and help with all the hard stuff I can't quite do by myself. I'm not sure how fair that is, but he helps when he can! :) In all fairness, once we get everything cleaned up and ready for planting, that's when I start being able to handle it a little more on my own and he doesn't have to be as involved. So far we have potatoes and peas coming up, and soon we'll get tomatoes and other fun stuff out there. This in one of my favorite times of the year, everything's fresh and anything's possible!!

  We've also been keeping busy with our other day to day things, including several dance performances between Irish and clogging. In April, IDI performed in Twin at the Highland Games. We went to Kimberley in between shows to eat at one of the best Mexican take-out restaurants ever! There was a little park across the street from La Fiesta so a bunch of us went over and played on the equipment while we waited to eat.  
 The weather was so nice that day that the mini-sunburn I came home with was more like a reminder of how much I love being in the sun!
 Along with the newness of seasons, also comes the end of semesters. Malia and I have been going to institute together and this time around at the end of our class, Malia earned a Certificate of Achievement and I officially graduated. Crazy thing, but it's also been one year since Dad was called as the bishop. Time flies!
Check out this awesome little car! Yeah, it's the real deal! I'd love to see the driver of that baby. I half expected to see Frodo Baggins climb out of it. :) But to get an idea of how tiny it really is, we had to have a life-size model stand by it, so we got Nani to do the job.
 We found that car in the parking garage as we were on the way to hear Kelani in the Fairmont choir, along with choirs, bands, and orchestras from all over Boise perform for the opening night of Music Week.
  Everyone did a really good job and there was a nice variety of songs that the groups each performed.
Don't let this picture fool you! These girls were wound up after the show. They freaked out some innocent cab driver as they posed for a goofy picture, not realizing they were being watched. Gretchen waved to him and then both girls started laughing too hard to do anything else as he timidly waved back. Yeah, we had to re-locate.

 There's quite a lot of exciting things coming up, starting with David going to his last prom next weekend. In June our cousin, Ben, is getting married in Provo and then they're having the reception in his fiance's hometown, Springville that night. So we have a fun road trip coming up in the next few weeks! And at the end of this month Mom and I get to dance in our clogging studio's spring recital, which is always lots of fun.
        Enjoy a new spring full of new possibilities, and the excitement that anything can happen!


Machelle Kay said...

Look at you little busy bee! Can't wait to see you guys.

Anonymous said...

This picture makes me look like a squirrel. haha. But you are a domestic goddess tiana.