Saturday, April 14, 2012

A helpful reminder

 After watching General Conference I think everyone comes away with a talk or two (if not more) that you think, "Wow, that was for me!" You know what I mean? Just like Pres. Monson said, there are many of us who come to conference with specific questions or challenges that we're hoping to find help with as we listen to conference. He's right!
  Of course, there are so many good things to hear and be reminded of that sometimes it feels like information overload and later when people are like, "What was one of your favorite talks?" I say, "Oh, Elder So-and-So's" but then I can't quite remember just exactly what it was he talked about since I heard so many other things throughout the weekend that I needed to hear.
  That's why it's so awesome that they post the talks online in a matter of days and we get to review them even before the Ensign comes. Conference is like the gift that keeps on giving because the more you
re-read or watch it, in little bits at a time, the more you keep getting out of it.
  In case you're wondering if all this rambling is bringing me to a point, it is! :) I just read a little piece of Elder Holland's talk and it surprised me how much stood out in just a few sentences. Here's one of my favorite parts that seems to apply really well to me right now:

"What happened in this story at 9:00 or noon or 3:00 is swept up in the grandeur of the universally generous payment at the end of the day. The formula of faith is to hold on, work on, see it through, and let the distress of earlier hours—real or imagined—fall away in the abundance of the final reward. Don’t dwell on old issues or grievances".......

 Isn't that awesome?! Here's a confession - I tend to have all these big ideas and hopes for things that I think would just be so great if they went a particular way. But obviously there's a lot I don't know and sometimes what I want might not be quite what Heavenly Father has in mind for me, at least not when I want it to be. So whether my 'grievances' are real or imagined, they are still grievances and sometimes they get to be a little hard to handle. Hopefully I'm not the only one who can relate to this..... :)  
 Elder Holland sums it up so well when he reminds us:

 "So don’t hyperventilate about something that happened at 9:00 in the morning when the grace of God is trying to reward you at 6:00 in the evening—whatever your labor arrangements have been through the day."

 How much time do we spend looking back at disappointments and 'grievances' that happened in the past that we have no power to go back and physically change or re-do? Guilty.
   And don't let this fool you, just because this is something I'm learning, doesn't mean it's something I've mastered - far from it, actually. But it was just so encouraging to be reminded of this again and get a bit of a boost to help me learn to appreciate what I'm being blessed with right now, rather than dwell on things I can't do anything about.
   Like I'm trying to do, just remember that when all is said and done, and no matter how hard things were in the moment - Heavenly Father is mindful of us and truly wants to bless us. So try not to hyperventilate when things get tough, because "all things will work together for our good." :) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tiana.... you are the greatest♥
I still think President Uchtdorf's talk would have to be my favorite!