Sunday, May 20, 2012

Prom Palooza

Last weekend was Capital High's prom, which meant that David found himself trying to come up with an inventive way to ask his date, then rent a tux and pick out a co-ordinating vest and tie.
He and his date Savannah were one couple in a group of about 6 or 7 others couples, most of whom he knows from church and seminary.
They started the day off with a bike ride that took them to Sandy Point and then they hung out there and had a little picnic in the afternoon.
This was the first time I'd seen this happen in real life (as opposed to movies) but several of the girls made it clear that they had to be back home to have the necessary 4 hours to prepare for the actual prom. So the guys were very conscientious to get them back in time.
I'd been gone for most of the day, but when I got home later in the early evening, I had to laugh at the irony of what I saw.
While the girls were, no doubt, working like crazy to be ready in "only" 4 hours, David (and I'm sure several of the others boys in the group) was at home totally zonked out on the couch.
But he got up about 45 minutes or so before it was time to pick up Savannah and was out lookin' good in no time.
Here's something else I've observed about the different preparations and priorities of a girl and a guy when it comes to prom:
The girls spend all their time and brain power trying to find the perfect dress, shoes, hairstyle, and jewelry. That's the big deal to them.
The guys go into a tux shop, find one that looks cool, make sure they get the classiest tie (bow tie or straight? Big decisions.) in the color that will best match their dates' dress, and grab the most awesome pair of shiny shoes they see. But the "big deal" to them is - what will I drive?
Last time David went to prom, he borrowed one of our grandma's cars, which is by far nicer than our little Honda or huge suburban. This time he went for more of a "manly" ride and thought he'd go with a truck. A couple of months ago Malia bought herself a new truck that as Dad says, is the nicest car our family has ever had. So David was convinced this was the prom ride for him. 
At times, asking Malia if you can drive her truck is almost like asking Frodo if you can just borrow the ring for a sec. But David must have done some sweet talkin' because the morning of prom, this is what I found left on the table before Malia had left for work - not in her truck: 
 Needless to say, David was pretty glad that he got a turn in the truck. :)

 Nani and I went to the train depot that evening to get some pictures of David and Savannah. The other couples in the group all went, too, which meant there were just as many parents with cameras there as there were prom-goers.
  I'm not exactly a huge fan of crowds of people I don't know that well, and those parents were a little intimidating with all their fancy cameras and ideas for how the group pictures needed to go. But I was able to squeak into a few places and get a couple pictures of David and Savannah, so it was all good!
 As much as David hates having his picture taken, I've pretty much given up getting very many 'normal' ones of him. But here he is in his sweet tux. At first he thought he wanted to go with an all white one, but the tux shop reminded him that it could be rather challenging to keep it white, so he just went with a white jacket (probably still one of the harder parts to keep from getting dirty.....)
                                                             Those two are somethin' else!

        Ok, so throw a girl in the picture and I guess he'll at least try to smile. :)


Unknown said...

Looks like they had a fun time! I enjoyed the color choice :)

Tammy said...

Fun pictures! I LUV LUV Savannah! I was her first year camp leader and ever since . . . . . she's one of my fav's!!

All About Gretchen! said...

Look at my little Davey Wavey..... isn't he growing up so fast? hahaha. im such a jerk.