Thursday, January 19, 2012

Try this!

  Happy rainy Thursday! The snow yesterday was so pretty but now it's all mostly turned to mush, thanks to the rain. My institute class was supposed to start last night but they cancelled classes because of the weather and since Malia was at work and everyone else was at the church, I ended up being home alone for most of the night (and I am not complaining - it was actually quite nice).  
   I was in one of those moods when it's just fun to cook and bake and stuff like that, and since I had that bit of free time, I decided to try a new recipe. It's from the cookbook, "Deceptively Delicious" and it's full of recipes that a mom created that are supposed to include, but disguise, veggies so that her kids would actually eat them. I've tried a couple different recipes and it's been kind of fun to see what kind of veggies you can add into food and not have it taste all weird.
  Here's a hint - it's even more enjoyable to make these if you're listening to some good music, and while you're at it, go ahead and sing/dance along!! :)     (I may or may not have been doing that...)

So here is one that was pretty tasty:

Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins -
1/2 c. peanut butter (chunky was good, but plain works, too. It's peanut butter, can you go wrong?)
1/2 c. carrot puree (just steam carrots until they're soft and puree them in a blender with a bit of water)
1/2 c. brown sugar
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 c. plain yogurt
1 egg
1 c. flour (I used wheat, but white totally works too)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
*Your favorite flavor of jam or jelly

  Mix peanut butter, carrot puree, sugar, and butter until it's well combined. Stir in yogurt and egg. Add dry ingredients and stir until it's just mixed - it's ok if it's lumpy.
  Fill a muffin tin (I only made 12, but some of them turned out pretty big, so you might want to do more and have them be a little smaller).
  Drop a spoonful of jam or jelly on the top of each one ( I tried making a little crater for the jam but once it cooked, the jam all sank to the bottom and they didn't come out of the muffin tin very co-operatively - grrr).
  Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes - basically until the tops are golden and a toothpick comes out clean.
                  Deceptively Delicious - Jessica Seinfeld   p. 63


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it actually sounds delicious!