Are you ready for this? I think it's kind of fun to go back and remember some of the things that have happened in our lives through the past year of 2011.
As I think back, it seems like it was really full of some big, life changing events. And even if not everything was all that big, it made a difference to me in one way or another.
I was able to spend time becoming closer friends with people from church, dance, and my family. I've been tested and learned new ways that prayers are heard and answered - and I'm still learning how to handle the answers that aren't always quite how I hoped they'd be (and from what I understand, that's a lesson we never stop learning). :)
Life really is an interesting thing. As we grow up we spend so much time thinking about what life will be like when we're older. Some people have the perfect picture of what they hope to do, down to the very last detail; others have a general idea and are able to work towards it. I always thought I had a fairly good idea of what I wanted my life to be like, but what I'm constantly being shown is that the only plan that you can really count on is the plan to be willing to follow Heavenly Father's plan.
Sometimes things happen that you never would have imagined - some good, some not so good. But the point is that as long as you trust Heavenly Father and have total faith that He is shaping you into becoming your best self, then everything is going to be worth it in the end. Easier said than done!
There were a lot of those moments in the past year, and they're not over with yet. But as I look at all that happened last year that I never would have expected it's cool to see how well everything came together and to be able to connect a few dots. It also makes me wonder what this year will uncover and what new lessons there are for me to learn.
But now - without further ado, here are some highlights and turning points of 2011.......
January ~ ~ ~
We started the year off right by having a nice little buffet in the basement while watching some football together. Grandma Jack may possibly be one of the most die hard BSU fans I know and we spent many hours watching the Broncos play (and basically dominate) this season.
February ~ ~ ~Our Boise Cloggers group returned for our traditional competition in Nampa and we were able to get past the nerves and fear and enjoy dancing together. All of us on the adult team are good friends, which makes it nice to have someone to panic with! :)
March ~ ~ ~
March is every Irish dancers big month. We spent the whole day on St. Patrick's Day dancing all over the valley. In fact, our school got divided into 3 separate groups for the day so that we could sort of "divide and conquer". And besides that one specific day we have performances leading up to, and following St. Pats and it becomes quite a marathon. It's a blast!!
April ~ ~ ~
We went to Jerome to spend conference weekend at the Farm, and the line from the hymn, "Like a fire is burning" took on new meaning to us as Mom, Dad, Grandpa, and I were outside at midnight hosing down Dad's BBQ pit fire. As many times as he's cooked Polynesian style, with his meat in the ground, this was a new experience to have it actually catch fire. Of course, besides the Farm potentially burning up (which it didn't) the big concern was getting to the meat - since the whole family was planning on eating it the next day. But miracles do happen, and the only things that didn't make it out so well were: Dad's meat thermometers, Grandpa's wheelbarrow, Grandma's "favorite" shovel, Aunt Lisa's tarp, and a couple of tree stump stools. Did I forget anything? :)

We also got to meet new baby Brittney for the first time!
April was a bit of a tough month, too. Dad's grandma (my grandma's mom) passed away the week after General Conference. In the midst of all the funeral planning, my grandpa ended up in the hospital and was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. He had to be in the hospital for about a week, but we were able to go see him while we were there for my great grandma's funeral.
I wasn't sure how he would be when we went in to see him, but I knew he was handling things well when I could hear him laughing before I even saw him. I had to smile once I saw him because he was sitting in the chair next to his bed, reading a conference talk, wearing his little hospital socks and robe and his Farnsworth Mortuary ball cap. :)
May ~ ~ ~
In May Dad got called as the bishop. It was actually a really neat day that brought our family together in all new ways. Mom and Dad's parent's were able to spend the day of church with us and it was so cool to have all of us together.
June ~ ~ ~I LOVE summer and it was so fun to be able to spend a lot of it out in the yard and working in the garden. We had a fun dinner in the back yard and my grandma and her brother, and our friends, the Kays all came over. It was one of the last things we got to do with the Kays before they moved to Utah and we loved having them over!!
Before the Kays moved we got together with a few friends from church and had a little party.
Also in June, my cousin Ian got married to the lovely Reilley! I love getting new members in the family. Ian is the sixth cousin on my dad's side, but the first boy cousin to get married, so it was fun to get a new Farnsworth to the bunch!
July ~ ~ ~
We had a super awesome 4th of July/mini-reunion at the Farm and we spent the day painting t-shirts, swimming, eating, and visiting. Pretty much a perfect day!
Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like not to have grown up having somewhere like this to go. The Farm is beautiful, and especially in the summer I can't get enough of it.Also in July, one of my best friends (who happens to be one of my Irish dance teachers) got sealed in the Twin Falls temple. I lucked out and got to be there twice in as many months (Ian and Reilley were sealed there in June). The Twin Falls temple is one of my favorites!!
Heidi asked if I would be a bridesmaid with her sister and new sister-in-law, which I was thrilled to do!!
August ~ ~ ~
We performed in La Grande, OR at the Highland Games, and had a fun time. I also got to see Wallowa Lake and Hells Canyon for the first time during that trip.
And another wedding! My cousin, Jeremy, on my mom's side of the family got married to Taylor at the end of August. We had quite the dance party out there afterwords, it was awesome!!
September ~ ~ ~
Our long time favorite local singers (five brothers), The Standards, came back to their hometown of Twin Falls and put on a really fun concert. We've been listening to them and going to their concerts since I was 11 or 12, and they just keep getting better. As fun as the concerts are, we really love getting to talk to them after all of their shows.
October ~ ~ ~
Cousin number 25 was born! Lincoln brought the number of kids in his family up to six. So now we have 25 grandkids, 9 great grandkids, and 6 cousin-in-laws!!
Hanging out with the little munchkins is always a treat. Gotta love those cousins!
Nani had her epic Halloween party at Grandma's, who has the perfect yard and barn for that kind of thing.
November ~ ~ ~
We learned the hard way not to put potato peelings in the sink disposal - it doesn't like it. And neither does Dad when he gets a mouthful of backed up pipe juice. Bleh!!
Our annual Irish Dance Idaho recital at the Nampa Civic Center went good and we ended up at TCBY with the Ingrams/Griggs/Bridy/Gretchen afterwords. :) I have been so lucky to be able to dance with the groups I dance with! As much as I love dancing, I wouldn't love it half as much if I didn't have such awesome people to be with all the time.
We had Thanksgiving at the Farm this year. Grandma loves nothing better than having her family together and doing special things for all of us. She makes little place settings for everyone and I realized how much more meaning this one has than usual.
Grandpa finished his chemo treatments at the Huntsman Center a week before Thanksgiving. They'd been driving to Salt Lake all summer so Grandpa could have the treatments. He got finished and after having some more tests done, they found a few cancer spots on his liver. But he'll be going in later this month to have them removed and other than that, I think everything is looking good. He's been quite the trooper - and Grandma, too!
We had a fun visit with the Kays in Burley during the Thanksgiving stay.
December ~ ~ ~
December started off with a dream come true for Kelani! David Archuleta truly equaled a Christmas miracle for her. :)
Christmas Eve at Grandma Jack's house. It wouldn't be the same if we didn't all get together there to talk and laugh (and eat, of course)!!
To wrap up the year, our family made the trip to Salt Lake and spent the day at Hogle Zoo, Heritage Park, and Temple Square!Temple Square was the highlight for me!!
Well, if you're still reading this then you're a trooper! That was a long post, and it barely scratched the surface. Life is good, and even the hard parts are worth it as we look back and see what came from it. And if you're still waiting for things to get better, don't worry, somehow they will. It's a new year and anything is possible!
Sounds like 2011 was a good year for you! I bet 2012 will be even better! i♥your blog.
I couldn't stop laughing at the picture of your poor dad and gargage disposal. Oh yuck! Great recap of the year!
That is a great idea to think back on the year and what happened. I see it on the news but I never thought to think of my life and what I have learned. I am impressed.
This is my first time reading your blog. I saw it on Kays' blog. Sounds like quite the year! I hope 2012 is even better for you guys!
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