Saturday, January 28, 2012

What a relief :)

In case any of you were worried about the whole "2012" end of the world stuff (which personally I am not), then don't worry! :) I saw this on today and thought it was kind of funny.
Yes, I know, I'm a nerd!! But I'll admit that I'm totally excited for this movie to come out! David and I are LOTR movie buddies and we always watch them together, so this will be a little crazy to see in theaters without him (part 1 comes out in December) since he'll more than likely already be gone on his mission.
  At least by the time he gets home, the second part of The Hobbit will be out too and he won't have to wait the year in between to see the whole thing. :)
   But seriously - who else is excited for this?!! Woo hoo!!


Kelani said...

I'm pretty excited!!! I mostly want the cd, so we can get that song in they play in the trailer!!! :D

All About Gretchen! said...

YAY! I am excited! If you want to go.. but David can't go with you.. I will definitely take his place!

... that song is pretty great, hahaha.....

Machelle Kay said...

I should have known you would know the date this movie comes out. It really does look good. You could be a great sister and wait to see it when David gets home from his mission!! Truthfully I wouldn't.

Elena said...

i can't believe he might be gone by then!!! You'll just have to come to IF and watch it with us!