Not that anyone has to be too interested in this, but today I was cleaning out some old picture files on the computer and I ran across these. The pictures are from 2008 and we were attempting to take a family picture (via the self-timer on my camera) for our Christmas card.
I'm the only one who is ever very motivated to do this, mostly because I like getting pictures from everyone at Christmas, so I wanted to try sending them out to our family and friends. Too bad for my family, but I like taking pictures, even though they all pretty much hate being in them (especially David).
Anyway, the first one is just what we ended up with as I tested out the self-timer. And the rest are just the "bloopers" you could say.....
Hmm, makes me look forward to doing this again in just a few months.......
I want a blooper pix in my chrismtas card! funny!
Hahaha ya good luck with that! I'm surprised you even got David to sit in on the pictures!
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I LOVE YOUR FAMILY!!!! Next time, we'll get Spencer and David together for a Christmas er... Halloween photo! jk! :D :D :D
hahaha! I am just impressed you can get them in front of a camera.
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