Friday, October 14, 2011

If at first you don't succeed...say "cheese"!

  Not that anyone has to be too interested in this, but today I was cleaning out some old picture files on the computer and I ran across these. The pictures are from 2008 and we were attempting to take a family picture (via the self-timer on my camera) for our Christmas card.
  I'm the only one who is ever very motivated to do this, mostly because I like getting pictures from everyone at Christmas, so I wanted to try sending them out to our family and friends. Too bad for my family, but I like taking pictures, even though they all pretty much hate being in them (especially David).
  Anyway, the first one is just what we ended up with as I tested out the self-timer. And the rest are just the "bloopers" you could say.....


Hmm, makes me look forward to doing this again in just a few months.......


Elena said...

I want a blooper pix in my chrismtas card! funny!

Unknown said...

Hahaha ya good luck with that! I'm surprised you even got David to sit in on the pictures!

The Toad said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I LOVE YOUR FAMILY!!!! Next time, we'll get Spencer and David together for a Christmas er... Halloween photo! jk! :D :D :D

Machelle Kay said...

hahaha! I am just impressed you can get them in front of a camera.