A few days ago, Frodo (our Yorkie/Bichon) had to have a kind of "emergency" surgery to have bladder stones removed. It was pretty unexpected, which is why some of the family here got a little worked up, and quite anxious about it. But the surgery went good, and he was able to come home the next day.
The story isn't over there, though. He came home sporting the lovely "cone of shame", which he has to wear until Sunday, along with a doggy catheter - ewww!
Then this morning, two little pug puppies were dropped off at our house for us to pet-sit until next Friday. Mom quickly dubbed them "Muggles" and "Puggles" (we like nicknames). :) And our poor Dachshund is not a fan of any of this! She's a little grumpy with the visitor dogs, and Fro's cone freaks her out! So she's been a little moody the last few days!
So a quick sum up of the dogs:
Frodo with his cone, plus meds, and other things.....
Koko (our other dog) on meds for her itchy skin, and
"Muggles" and "Puggles" have to take their alergy meds twice a day.
I don't if any of you have ever had the "joy" of force feeding stubborn dogs their pills, but it's not exactly a picnic! Luckily Malia and Mom are the best pet nurses of the family, and end up taking those jobs; and with 4 out of 5 dogs taking pills everyday, those guys are saints for doing it!
Here's one of the visitor dogs walking on the back of the couch, while Nani and Penni are watching a movie.
Our other little guest.
Malia and her doggy patient, Frodo.
And now, to top off this interesting day.....
Kelani had a big choir concert tonight, that was combined with choirs, bands, and orchestras from a bunch of the other schools around here. The bands went first, and did pretty good, and then it was the choir's turn.
About halfway through the first song, we noticed a girl from one of the other choirs, helping another girl walk out of the group to the empty side of the bleachers. One of the choir directors noticed and went running up to them, just seconds before the girl puked! She leaned down over one of the bleachers and was quite sick. So once she was done, they helped her off the bleachers and cleaned up the best they could - all while the choir was still singing.
I felt really bad for her, and that wasn't necessarily the funny part! The part that makes this story amusing, was watching the girls who had to sit there, right next to "the sight" of where she was sick.
They had to sit there while the orchestra performed their three or four songs! And too bad for Nani, but she was sitting right on the outside edge closest to where it had happened.
So this picture is of some of the girls who almost couldn't stand the smell, so they tried covering their faces with their sleeves! It was awesome!!
(It's kind of hard to tell, but Kelani's the one in the dark blue, on the top right corner, trying surreptitiously to breath out of a small corner of her mouth).
Anyway, life can be really interesting sometimes, but depending on how you look at it, it can also be pretty darn funny!
Poor little Froddie. But glad he'll be feeling better soon. And that choir picture is hysterical. YUCK! But so funny.
hahha kelani...... no wonder she is my best friend. hahahahha
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