It's been a while since I've posted anything, so I figured it's probably time to do something new!
David turned 17 at the end of October and for part of his birthday present he got a new unicycle! It was like Christmas for him! He had one that Grandpa helped him "re-make" this summer, but it wasn't very comfortable so he decided to get a nice, new one. It got to our house one morning before David was awake, and when he came upstairs and saw the box in the living room he got so excited and said, "Why didn't anyone wake me up?!" So he promptly got the tool kit and set it up. He's actually really good on it, and sometime I might have to put a video on here of him riding it.
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We went to Jerome for Halloween and had a great time when all our crazy cousins were around! Grandma made pans and pans of pizza for a party for David, and for the Halloween family party. There were all kinds of costumed cousins running around and helping themselves to all you can eat candy.
One of Grandma's biggest joys in life is to make her family happy, and she does a great job of it.
My cousin's husband had a "bigfoot" costume (which he never actually wore for any of us) but their little 2 or 3 year old daughter kept saying, "My dad is a bigfoot." And their other daughter called it "the scary bear" costume!
This little guy went as Blue's Clues and I think he was amazed at a holiday that allows you to eat as much candy as you possibly can. I mean this kid a sugar hound and he was pretty happy with all the sweets! David and I went trick-or-treating with a bunch of the little cousins (actually they're our second cousins) and it was fun to see our cousins (their parents) handle all the action! In between houses, one of the moms would drive her car and follow along and any of the little trick-or-treaters who were cold (it was FREEZING!) would ride in the car with her. Well, Blue's Clues started taking his costume off during one of the short rides (he rode pretty much every time) and so Steph asked him if he was done. His reply was, "Yeah, I just want someone else to get my candy for me." Pretty smart if you ask me!
We were super excited because a whole gang of the family came here to watch "Harry Potter" with us on the day it came out. So before hand we stopped at Olive Garden for some tasty lunch. Grandpa poses so well for pictures! :) And you'll notice Hardy there on the end looking warm and dry. Sadly that didn't last long! We got to our table and shortly after, the waiter came along with a big tray of water and accidentally spilled it all over Hardy! He took it like a man though, but the waiter felt so bad that they gave Hardy his meal for free. The rest of the time we all kept hoping we'd get spilled on, too.
Thanksgiving was a pretty quite day for us. We usually go to the Farm and eat at Grandma and Grandpa's, but they get to go on a trip to Isreal (they're probably there by now) and were leaving Thanksgiving afternoon. So we stayed home and Grandma Jack came here. We had a good day, and tons of food (and football, if you're David). Mom made an Oreo cheesecake (she's becoming quite a pro at making cheesecakes)! David admitted that yesterday breakfast was the only meal that day that he didn't eat while watching football! :)
Plus we got to clog at the Festival of Trees on Wednesday night, then did Irish there Friday afternoon!
Fun stuff!!
Fun stuff!!
Saturday we got to ride in the holiday parade that went through parts of downtown Boise. It was SO fun!! It snowed the whole morning, and we sat all bundled up and had our fun Irish music playing as we went along. It got pretty cold towards the end, but didn't stop us having a great time!
I had to put these pictures up because this is one of the cutest babies I know! She's my little second cousin, and her mom asked me to take some family, pictures of them while we were in Jerome at Halloween.
It was so much fun!
1 comment:
holy crap that is a freakin cute baby!
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