For several years now, he's HATED getting his picture taken. Even if it's just for fun, he usually complains about it a little, and you really have to work to get him to be in the picture. Lucky for us, we have a friend in the ward who does photography (her and her husband) and they always take our family pictures. Ever since we were born, Mom has gotten a new picture of us around our birthdays, and for the last few years, our friends have taken those, too.
Of course, when it would get to be David's turn, he'd go, but his smiles looked so forced and almost painful that we couldn't help giving him a hard time. But every so often we'll catch him in a better mood and get pictures like the ones in this post, where he's just totally goofing off!
Tonight we got a family picture taken, and then each of us kids got our own individual pictures as well. On the way to the spot we wanted, David said, "And no one tell me how bad my smile looks. We all know I can't force a smile." But I think he's taken a new approach to it all, and instead of being totally grumpy, he's almost too silly to work with!
If the photographer told him to pull down the bottom of his shirt because it was stuck up weird, he'd stretch it down to his knees. If she told him to get ready, he'd cross his eyes. When she'd say, "Put your leg up a little against that tree," he'd stick it way out. Whenever we'd do a sitting pose, he'd cross his legs and sit like a girl. Anyway, we were all getting a kick out of it. But one of his best lines tonight was during our family picture.
We were all standing in a bit of a random order, and David was behind me. It was starting to get dark, and so of course there were little bugs starting to fly everywhere. As soon as we'd gotten the pose right, and the camera was being adjusted, David pipes up with his fake lispy accent, "But what do I do about all these bugs?" I guess he figured it was just one more detail that in all honesty he could care less about, but that maybe the rest of us should be aware of! Anyway, he was so funny I think he almost had the photographer wet her pants laughing a few times. But for as much as he dislikes being photographed, he sure has some good ones!
Hangin' at the Rose Garden

oooooh. david......what can you do??
I love your new family photo! You have a beautiful family. Your mom looks like a model! See you in a couple weeks!
Thanks, Tammy! You're so nice, I'll tell Mom! :) See ya!
the rose garden one is sooooo funny!!! and so much for a formal prom picture!! hahaha
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