Sunday, February 23, 2014

February is almost over?!

Is anyone else a little freaked out that February is almost over? Usually this time of year seems to crawl by for me, but for some reason it seems to be going a lot faster this time around (yay)!
It's been a full month, especially for February, so I thought I'd catch up for the month by showing a few pictures of some of the things that have been happening.

Earlier this month I was babysitting for a good chunk of the day so we decided to go to the zoo. Coming from the girl who wants as little to do with being outside in the cold as possible, I'm sure this seems like a crazy idea. Was it cold? Yes. But it was still fun. I haven't been to our Boise zoo since the fall of 2011 so I guess it was time for me to go back and check it out. 
There were actually a fair amount of animals out considering the lack of sunshine and warm weather. 
I loved the color of this little guy's eyes!
We also met some outgoing goats that wanted nothing more than to give Luke a big ol' wet one! :)
Luke also wanted to try taking a contemplative, semi-epic looking picture so while him and I did our best to gaze off into the distance, Max took a more original approach.
The irony of this scene was too good to pass up. Please note the "Do Not Climb" sign that is conveniently located behind Luke's line of sight! :)

 Also this month, I got a sweet present from my grandma who somehow heard that my little bedroom serves well as a refrigerator during the nights that are especially cold. Kelani came into the room one day and just about laughed her guts out to find me doing homework under a pile of blankets along with my hoodie on and tied tight around my head. 
So Grandma (who is the best!) surprised me with a space heater that looks like a tiny fireplace!! It is so legit! Now I can go in there, flip on the flames, and read to my heart's content. Kinda makes you want to roast a marshmallow, huh?
A couple weeks ago one of Dad's brothers and his family all dropped in before heading home to Jerome. We had a fun little family dinner after church and it was almost as good as being at the Farm with all the cousins running around and plenty of food for everyone! It makes me wish that the cousins all lived a little closer so that we could do that more often!
Lanie and some red velvet cake, yum!!

Grandma Jack's birthday is in February so we had her over for a birthday dinner and treats. After we'd all gathered into the living room for her to open presents, we played a few wild rounds of "Catch Phrase" which may or may not bring out the worst of some of us... ;) 
 Pipeity was wired that night, too! She was playing with her little toy and right as I went to take a picture of her, she flung the toy up with her mouth and I caught this crazy look in her eye just as the toy was coming back down. She's something else!
 By the end of the night, she kind of summed up the way the rest of us were feeling.
There's always something going on! But I think that's a good thing. :)

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love your space heater. I'm kinda jealous...except we have a fireplace. But you better believe that if I'm home, I'm sitting right in front of it and I won't move for hardly anything.