Friday, December 13, 2013

A language we all know

Happy Friday, folks! We made it through another week, congratulations!! The other day I was thinking about the importance of a good laugh. Why? Maybe it's been a while since I've really had one. Or maybe I was in the mood for one of those tear-spilling, gut-aching belly laughs. You know what I mean. The kind that take everything out of you and you almost can't control yourself so you just give in and let the laughter take over.
Anyway, even if those kinds of laughs are a little harder to come by, hopefully we still get a good giggle now and then.
The thing I love about laughter is that no matter what language a person speaks, laughter is common ground that lets everyone connect. For example: when our family went to Samoa several years ago, we were on a boat going from one island to another and it started raining. Kelani and I decided to re-locate to a little shed type thing, on the boat, where lots of other passengers were also trying to stay dry. It was full of mostly Samoans (go figure) who probably don't speak English, and here come us two awkward white girls who don't speak Samoan. There were a few chairs lining the walls and so Nani and I waded through a room full to the brim with people and went to a back corner to sit in a couple empty chairs.
After we'd been sitting there awkwardly for a few minutes, occasionally making brief eye-contact with some of the others then looking away quickly, I leaned my head back against the wall and shut my eyes. Pretty soon I had fallen asleep but didn't realize it until I felt someone push lightly under my jaw to close my mouth. Ugh! While I was sleeping my mouth had come open and I'm sure I looked like a total nerd. It startled me when I felt that, so I tipped my head back up to see what was going on. Kelani had been the one to try and keep me from looking like a total loser as she shut my mouth, but when I  groggily looked at her she was giggling. I started looking around and saw that there were several other people who had been watching and they all had big smiles on their faces, too. I felt dumb, but I also kind of had to laugh at how that all must have looked. I realized that day that language is only one way to communicate and that if anything can bring people together, it's a little something to laugh about.

I found a few pictures that make me laugh and thought I'd share them in the case that if they could brighten anyone's day, it'd be worth it. Of course, the pictures are of people I know so to some it won't be as amusing, but if nothing else I hope it will help you to go back in your memories and be reminded of the things that made you laugh!

This picture is of Grandpa Farns and cracks me up because he loved a little joke enough to even give himself "bunny ears" in a picture! We have plenty of other pictures of him doing it to whoever is next to him, too, but the fact that he's doing it to himself is pretty awesome! 
This is David in the beginning stages of his "Weasley Twin" costume for our Harry Potter party last year. He's totally working that ginger wig!
 The last few pictures put a smile on my face just from seeing the people in them having a good laugh. I love how each one of them is at the point that they've thrown their heads back and are taken over by whatever was so funny to them in the moment.

Aunt Judy after pulling a prank on another aunt.
Heidi's is classic and pretty much sums up how we all get when we go to the cabin for General Conference. In this case she's laughing at Spencer's un-timely, ginormous sneeze right as we were trying to take a group picture. 
 My cousin Becky and I were having a swim at the farm a couple summers ago and we both got to cracking each other up - can you imagine what our sleep overs were like when we were little? :)
 Nani's friend Gretchen during picture time prior to prom. She has the best laugh and when she gets started we can't help but join in.

        This last one was also from the Harry Potter party. I think Nani had just seen Malia's costume for the first time and judging by the look on her face, I'd say it was a good one!
There you have it! I hope you had some fun memories come back to you and that your life is full of moments of a good, hearty laugh!!


Unknown said...

Those were great pictures! I love it when you update your blog!

The Toad said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! I still laugh when I think of Spencer's Sneeze!!!!!! XD
Tortilla chips and all!!!