Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I'm Thankful For: Beautiful Places

On today's list, I'm thankful for beautiful places! Idaho is amazing and I love that there are so many different landscapes throughout our state. One of my favorite things to do is just go for drives and see what there is to see.
Something cool to think about, too, is that this earth really was created for us because Heavenly Father wants us to enjoy our time here and be reminded that He loves us and takes care of us. One morning there was an amazing sunrise and as I stood watching it from the window, I had the thought that it must be kind of fun for Heavenly Father to be in Heaven and maybe say something like, "Ooo, today I'll throw some purple into this sunrise, I bet they'll like that!" Haha, maybe He doesn't say it like that exactly, but the point is, He hasn't just made beautiful things in nature simply because He can, He does it so that we can have joy in them.
So here are a few pictures of the lovely places I've been able to explore and enjoy:

This is Crystal Springs in Jerome, a new place I got to see this summer.
                                  Here's one of the views from the Farm in the summer.

                                     Another part of the Farm from a couple summers ago.

This is a spot in Garden Valley. When we go to the Cabin with our friends for General Conference, we are up in some amazing parts of the mountains!

Here's one of the pictures I risked my life to take. Not quite that extreme, but I took this on my drive home from Rexburg earlier this year. Driving and photography - maybe not a wise combination, but it worked out this time. :)

Another Cabin scene from a year or two ago.
What are some of your favorite places?
It's hard to narrow it down once you get started, then again, why narrow it down?! :)


Elise said...

These are breathtaking. Very well done.
I really enjoy the saawtooth mountains. From Sun Valley to Stanley.

The Toad said...

Aaaaaaaah... just seeing those gorgeous places is relaxing... :)

Thank you!!!!!