Monday, November 25, 2013

I'm Thankful For: Scriptures

Hello there! Sorry to disappear for a while...
Anyway, as we all know, Thanksgiving is only a few days away and I was thinking that it would be fun to choose something I'm grateful for - one for each day until Thanksgiving. It won't be a complete list since I am grateful for more than 4 things, but I'll just pick some that have stood out to me lately.

Monday: The scriptures!

I love the scriptures! There have been many times when I was able to find answers or peace from reading in any one of the standard works, but let me share one that was more recent.
  Earlier this year there was something I'd really been wanting to happen and it just wasn't. As time went on I got more and more frenzied inside. To anyone else it probably wouldn't have seemed like a big deal, but to me it was.
  Have you ever had a fly get trapped inside your car? If you watch it, the little guy will just buzz and buzz and bang frantically into the inside of the windshield. It can see where it wants to get and just about goes crazy as it flies into the window trying to get out. You roll your side window down in an attempt to let it escape, but the fly is so determined to go out the windshield that it never stops to realize that it could much easier just fly out of the window. Nope, it's too distracted with it's own plan and totally misses it's window of opportunity to get what it wants, just in another way.
   Silly analogy, but at this point in my story, I really felt like that fly. I could see what I wanted and only imagine it coming about in one way. I got progressively more anxious and, maybe even frantic as time went on. My nerves were constantly buzzing and my head was always kind of foggy. After a while of this going on, I went to my institute class where we were studying church history.
  About halfway through the lesson that night, my classy institute teacher said, "I would like all of you to take your Doctrine and Covenants and open it to a random place. Start reading where it opens and be aware of what you can learn from that particular spot."
   So I opened to a random place and this is the scripture that I saw:

     "Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us
cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."  (D&C 123:17) 
     The words that caught my attention right away were to "stand still", then looking at what it was saying in conjunction with those words, it was like the total "a ha" moment.
   The last thing I had been doing was to stand still, mentally and emotionally if nothing else. I'd done just about everything in my power by then and now it was time to be still and wait to see what Heavenly Father had in store.
    As I left class that night I had such a calm feeling - one I hadn't had for a long time. Obviously I didn't have any kind of answer to my specific hopes at that time, but I had assurance that after doing all I could, it was ok to be still and wait on the Lord.
   That was such a great lesson to me and strengthened my testimony on scriptures, and many other things, too.
    Ok, if I can stay on the ball I'll be back tomorrow with something else...
(And p.s. in time, I did get a good answer to what I'd been hoping for. It was on the Lord's timetable not mine, but that's another lesson. :)

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