Sunday, July 28, 2013

Blast from the past

  Tonight we ended up watching a bunch of old family videos - just a few of many many hours of footage of us kids sporting our tiny mullets, diapers, and awkward voices (Malia's toddler mullet was the most impressive, but Kelani's grew in rather well, too).
   I think each one of us has had a time in our lives as we've watched these videos where we've had to ask our parents, "As small children, did we ever wear pants?" or "Why did you let us do our hair like that?" These are the questions that keep us up at night.
   There is some serious blackmail footage here for each of us, too. I think we're all a little nervous of what will happen when we bring home our potential spouse and Dad asks them, "Wanna watch some home movies?!" Nooo!!!
   But my favorite quote tonight came from Kelani. We were at a part that featured Kelani as a tiny little 2 year old. I'm not kidding when I tell you that her head was a little too big for her body and from the waist down she was about as big around as a pencil. She was stinkin' cute, and in most scenes of her, she was only in a diaper (apparently she wouldn't keep on much else besides that).
  Anyway, as we were all sitting there watching the video tonight, there was one scene where Nani was out in the backyard in not but a diaper, and as we all laughed about it, Kelani pipes up (in real life - not the video), "You know, most diapers make babies' butts look big - mine just makes me look even."
        Classic, and so true!! :)
                                                       ~The little motley crew~


Kim said...

hahaha love the mullets! Who didn't have to suffer through those or some pineapple tops? Mmmm...gotta love the 90s!

Anonymous said...

i really love you in this picture tiana. hahahaha. -Gretchen