Let me take a moment to procrastinate all the things I should be doing to catch up on what we've been doing! This might be a whirlwind, so let's see if I can keep all of this straight!
Backing up to October - David turned 19! And then for our ward Halloween party Kelani went as "Cindy Lou Who" from "The Grinch". One of our friends is a hair dresser and she totally nailed it when she did this for Kelani!
Now in November we've been doing what you do to get ready for a missionary to be leaving soon. David was originally supposed to fly straight to the MTC in Brazil today! But his visa isn't here yet and so he isn't leaving until a week after Thanksgiving, and he's now going to the MTC in Provo until further notice. So we'll all be driving down there together to drop him off next Wednesday - which means we get to have Thanksgiving with him this last time for two years!Anyway, we had an open house for him a couple weeks ago and it was so fun! There were friends and family here to say goodbye to him and have a chance to visit for a little bit.
I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but one of my favorite things ever is having family and friends around!! The Kays even came all the way from Utah to be here, which was so nice of them!
Some family from Jerome even made it down, which is a special treat, since that doesn't happen very often.
We had my Grandma, Ben and Kim, Brad and Heather with their 3 girlies, and then Lanie and Maddie all staying the night here after the open house since David was speaking in church the next day.
Since church didn't start until 1:00, we were able to get up on Sunday morning and have a fun, big breakfast with our sleep-over guests. :)
Right before I took this picture, Heather told Ben just to start laughing for the picture; he did a good job! :)
Little Brittney, also known as DeeDee, or Brit Boo, was one of the last ones asleep during the sleep-over. We were all downstairs watching a movie and she wandered from person to person for most of the night. But eventually she climbed in my lap and fell asleep; it was so fun!
That was such a good weekend! More of our Jerome family came on Sunday morning so they could be at church to hear David's talk. I loved it!!
Then just this past weekend, the Boise Temple was re-dedicated!!! Mom and I were asked to be the assistant dance directors for our stake, so we've been helping teach the swing to the youth so they could perform it for the cultural celebration. David was able to dance in it too, and him and Kelani got to be partners for it! It has been so cool to be part of all this, we've been very blessed.
We spent the whole day on Saturday down at the Century Link, then Taco Bell Arena so that we could rehearse with all the other groups and be ready to perform that night for Pres. Monson and Elder Bednar.
Our dance was to "In the Mood" and everyone was dressed up like sailors.
Lookin' good!!
Then at the end of our dance, we were joined by another group and got to make the American flag by each holding up a different piece of material. We didn't even learn the order of movements, officially, until we got there that day. There's no way it would have worked out except for all the prayers that have gone into this whole event! It was amazing!!
Then finally it was the moment we'd all been waiting for - Pres. Monson rode up in his golfcart and the crowd went wild!! :) I love how they pointed out that "this is why we don't clap in General Conference" - the poor guys trying to conduct the meeting could barely get a word in edgewise because everyone was clapping so hard!
Pres. Monson is such an incredible person and he had everyone laughing throughout the night. He was dancing from his seat along with the performers, we loved it!
Here we are at the end of the night. I ended up dancing as the guy part for our dance because we were one guy short! At first I wasn't too thrilled at the thought of being out there in front of everyone and dressed like the boy - especially when Dad re-assured me that I was the prettiest boy out there - but I also didn't want to seem ungrateful, I mean, what a cool thing to be part of!! And it really turned out to be a blast!
The next morning we got to go to the first session of the temple re-dedication. It was amazing the way that morning turned out, too. It's so true that when you pray for miracles and tender mercies, you will get positive answers to your prayers. And it meant all that much more because all of us were able to be there together.
During the second dedication time we babysat for three different families so they could go. We had two babies, one who is about three months old, and the other one is right around a month old, it was so fun! We also had three of the Campbell kids here, so it was quite a party (a Sunday appropriate one, of course :).
Then that evening we went to the Ingrams house for some Brazillian food! Since that's where Chris went on his mission, they're all pros at making authentic Brazillian food and it was sooo good; plus we got to try making some authentic food that some other friends had just taught us how to make!!
David's about to join the ranks of some pretty amazing missionaries and we're getting so excited - in a bittersweet sort of way. He's chomping at the bits to be gone but we're glad we got this one extra week to spend time with him!
Most likely the next thing you'll be hearing about is our trip to Provo to drop him off! Until then we're going to enjoy every minute we get with him!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
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