Saturday, September 15, 2012

An assortment of random-ness

Hello Blogger friends!
 Today I just thought I would tell you about a few things I think everyone should be aware of - where to start?!
  •   The Boise Temple is opening in October!! Thanks to a fellow-blogger, I realized this a great place to get the word out about this! For anyone who doesn't know, there is going to be an open house for about 4 weeks starting Oct 13th. If you want some details about how to get to the open house (which ANYONE can do) check out this website. It is going to be so exciting to go in and be shown around. Whether you've ever been inside an LDS Temple, or just always wondered what it looks like - this is the perfect chance to see for yourself, with no pressure to commit to anything. :) Because once the middle of November hits, the open house will be over and it will be something you'll be glad you did if you went in and saw for yourself. And trust me, if you have LDS friends and you don't want to go alone, any of them/us will be happy to go with you!
  • Next, I just found out about this awesome website. If you want to bake things like this for yourself, this is the place for you. I haven't tried any of their recipes yet - seriously, I just heard about it - but basically it's recipes to put just about anything inside a cupcake, as well as tasty frostings and things like that. Yes, I love trying new recipes and I think I gained five pounds just looking at all the possibilities there are. Can't wait to try some out someday!

  • And lastly, I know it's been mentioned on here before and I admit that I might have a slight problem with the things that excite me....but "The Hobbit" (part 1) is coming out on December 14!! This is pretty epic, considering that it's been over a decade (when did that happen?) since "The Fellowship of the Ring" came out. Yeah, definitely need to re-read "The Hobbit" again before I go to the movie. Anyone else? Anyway, hopefully this has left you with at least one - if not 3 things to be way excited about.

  A review:
    1) Make it a priority to go to the Boise Temple open house. 2) Whip yourself up some delicious, filled cupcakes. 3) Mark your calendars for Dec. 14 and join me at the theater to see "The Hobbit".  
  Not convinced?


Elise said...

How dare you dangle such delicious treats in front of my face. I must try this! And I cannot wait for The Hobbit to come out!

The Toad said...

I'm IN!!!! :D XD