Sunday, November 20, 2011

To peel or not to peel?

 Setting: The Kitchen (again)
 Time: Sunday evening
 Culprit: Potato peels

This may look like an innocent bucket of potatoes, but don't be fooled. When left to their dirty deeds, things can get ugly. Perhaps in retaliation for knowing that they were going to be eaten, the potatoes took their last bit of revenge before being devoured.
  Mom was making mashed potatoes for dinner a couple Sundays ago and as she peeled them, she let the peels go into the drain of the kitchen sink, thinking that the disposal would take care of things. Well, if our disposal had been a live animal (think Flinstones) it wouldn't have been a problem. But of course it wasn't a live animal - so yes, problem.
  A while after dinner, Mom noticed that the sink wasn't draining and that, actually, it had some nasty stuff bubbling up from the drain. We went down to the dungeon where the pipes go and there was water getting all over everything down there near the pipes.
 Dad tried doing a few things but realized that this problem was bigger than one person could handle, so he called in the big help - Bro. Gillette. Actually, the cool thing about Bro. Gillette is that Dad wasn't calling him to ask him to come over and help, he was asking if he could borrow some tools that might help. But a few minutes later Bro. G. showed up in his big, white, utility van, ready for action!
 We went down and tried to help them snake the pipes, which took several attempts that didn't seem to be going anywhere. Of course the dungeon is crowded with all kinds of things that don't have a place anywhere else in the house. So as we're wading through puddles, boxes, tools, and junk, things got pretty crowded.

They took out the screen of the window well to run a hose out to the backyard and so now it's not only wet, it's cold!

After who knows how long, they decided to try running some water from upstairs to see if all the snaking had had any affect. I went up to see if the kitchen sink was draining yet and when I got back to the dungeon, Malia and Bro.G. were laughing hysterically. Supposedly the pipes had decided to blast a bunch of junk and Dad had been right in the line of fire!  
Open mouthed and way too close for comfort, this is what Dad got a faceful of out of the pipes. It must have been more than potatoes backing up the system.

Notice the wall across from Dad is covered in grossness, too! Bro. G. helped towel off Dad's face and also decided to call him, "Mr. Potato Head" after that little episode. It happened again a little while later and we couldn't stop laughing.
Finally, close to midnight, it was decided that the snaking wasn't going to help. It was time to call it a night. So the next day, the plumber showed up and got things taken care of.
It's just lucky for us that it happened on a Sunday (which is why the plumber didn't come sooner), I mean, how else would we have gotten to witness Dad getting a taste of the plumbing? ;)

1 comment:

Laura said...

What a mess! I get a grocery sack, loop it over the faucet to hold it in place, and peel the potatoes. Then all of it goes into the trash because, oh yeah, been there done that and I never want to go through that again!

Hope you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving!