I know I've kind missed doing this right at the beginning of the new year, but I guess late is better than never! I thought it would be fun to pick a picture to highlight something fun from each month of last year. The hardest part is picking just one thing to highlight, because we do so much in a month. So, here we go on some of the fun things from last year!
We had a babyshower for Becky, who has been one of my best friends (not counting the fact that we're cousins) since we were both little. This is her first baby, and we couldn't wait to find out if she was having a girl or boy.

We set up our big canvas tent out in the backyard (which feels like a tent out of "Harry Potter"; it's just so big on the inside it's like a little house) and we had a campout with Grandma and Grandpa, and a couple cousins. We ate dinner and breakfast, all cooked out there on our little stove thingy, and played games. It was cold outside, but we kept the stove going, and used our thick sleeping bags and it was all good!
Our Irish group that we dance with got invited to dance with an awesome group, Leahy, in March. We danced at the Morrison Center the weekend before St. Patrick's Day and it was so much fun! Leahy played and we got to dance to their live music, which was so cool after listening to them via cd while we practiced. They were extremely nice and we had a blast!
Becky and Cody's baby, Harley got blessed in April. It was great to be there with so many of our family for a special occasion. That blessing dress is one that Becky and her three sisters were blessed in, as well as Malia and I.
My aunt and uncle got sealed in the Boise temple. My uncle is a recent convert to the church and we were all so happy for them when they were able to be sealed. Kelani and I babysat some of our cousins while the family was at the sealing, then I got to take the kids up to the temple to see everyone when they got done.
I've talked about this before, but June was Grandma and Grandpa Farns's 50th anniversary, so we had a super fun party for them! Getting this many people in the family to be there for a picture is something to celebrate, too; we were only missing a couple of people.
~ In June all of us in the family (except David) were all up at Girl's Camp for a few days. Mom and Dad are the cooks, and Malia and I were leaders, and of course Kelani is one of the newer campers (and she loves camp). They do the "polar plunge" most mornings at camp, which means if you feel like waking up early and jumping into the pool, you're free to do so. :) I hate being cold, and I don't particularly love waking up early, so naturally I did the plunge. That's me the second from the left. I've done it previous years, too, and the water was actually pretty warm, so I wasn't too worried this year. Big mistake! It was too cold for my liking this time. Brrr!!This picture is representative of all things Summer. We spend lots of time at Grandma Jack's, whether it's taking care of the pets, mowing the lawn, or having dinner outside in her gazebo (like we are here). Grandma's house has always been one of our favorite places to go, and of course she's one of our favorite people, so it works out well! :) The greenbelt is close to her house, so we like going on bike rides with her sometimes, too.
This year at our family birthday bash we set up a treasure hunt for the littler cousins. So here's a couple of them digging up the treasure chest (with a little help from Malia). It looked so authentic it was just awesome! That treasure chest is one Dad made for us one night a few years ago, because we were making a pirate movie the next day and were in desperate need of a good prop! We love it!
Malia got to ride in a parade in Sun Valley, so all of us and Grandma went for the day and had fun just hanging out. I love going to places like that and just walking around and seeing what there is to see.
Of course, one of our favorite new traditions is going to "the cabin" with the Ingrams on conference weekend. We go up there and watch conference, play games, go for walks, stay up late, and eat like there's no tomorrow!
~~ Also in October I wanted to put this picture up of three of my cousins to just remember how much fun we have with them. We definitely have way more cousins than this, but this is kind of a classic portrayal of how things are when they're around. Our cousins are so wild, and crazy, and just right!! There's never a dull moment. But even though they're all so rough and tumble, I have to tell one of my favorite stories concerning something I learned about one of them.
They always come over wanting us to play with them, which is great that they don't care about how old any of us are, and still want us to hang out with them. It's clear that they like us, but usually they show us with a good solid punch, or tackling us when we're not looking, or things like that. Well, one day I was walking out of Grandma's house to go to one of my aunt's house. As I was putting my shoes on, Cody (the one on the right in the picture) was coming over and when he saw me, he said, "Where're you goin'?" So jokingly I said, "I'm running away because no one likes me." I watched to see if he would laugh, but he just kind of looked at me for a second, then quietly said, "I like you." He's so cute! (Don't worry, I reassured him that I wasn't really leaving).
We had Thanksgiving here this year, and Grandma Jack came over. It was quiet, compared to our usual Thanksgivings in Jerome, but it was still good! And classic David hates getting his picture taken so he does what he can to avoid it.
Of course one of the major highlights was Ben getting home from his mission!! His nephews couldn't get enough of him, so it was like a rock star coming in, the minute Ben walked through the doors!
~~Christmas in Jerome was pretty exciting because we all got to participate in a present exchange. Heather's husband, Brad, got David's name and was pretty excited for David to open his present. This is only one part of it. The other thing he got was a set of "hill billy" teeth! :) This mask has a little wind up button that makes the mustache wiggle back and forth; it was hilarious!
(David just came over and saw that I was using this picture. He told me, "Tiana, you're not allowed to put pictures of me on your blog without my consent. I'll sue!" Ha, good luck, David!)
So there they are!! A few of my favorite events from 2010! Now it's a new year and I'm sure we'll fill it up with a ton of new, exciting things.
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