Saturday, January 19, 2013

January blues

 As I was in the midst of putting this post together, I noticed several other blogs where people were saying the same thing I have been thinking for the last little while.
  This month has seemed to really start to drag. Not that there's anything wrong with January in general, but, pathetically about me, these first few months of the new year seem to be kind of....blah, sometimes. Which means the blog gets pretty blah, too - sorry.
  So I've been thinking and what I need is a good laugh. One of those kind that makes you cry because you're laughing so hard.
  But even for now, I think a good, hearty giggle could come in handy: and it sounds like I'm not the only one who's looking for something nice to break up these long, FREEZING days.
   In my attempt to entertain myself (and keep it cheap :) I've tried to think of something fun to blog about since I haven't in a while. I got to thinking about some of the funny things that have happened either to me, or just in general.
   I am around kids all the time. Ever since I was little I've liked taking care of kids, so as you can imagine, I'd had some pretty interesting experiences with them throughout my life so far.
   I don't know if these little stories will even be funny to anyone else, they could just be those, "I guess you had to be there", kind. But in case you're in the same boat as me and need something to make you grin, maybe these will help.

  •    One day while I was serving lunch at one of the elementary schools, a boy with a little bruise on his cheek came up to the line and when I asked him what happened, he began to tell me an animated story about how he got in a fight with a badger and it punched him in the face. Alrighty then.

  •   At that same school, one of the little kids came up to the line and asked me, "What's that?" So I looked at what she was pointing to and said, "That's a fish patty." So before deciding what to have she said, "Does it have pork in it?"

  •   Not too long ago, I was babysitting some kids from our ward and they were here at our house.Towards the end I was loading them into the car so we could go meet up with their mom and as I was trying to make sure that they were all getting buckled up, I had to lean a little bit over the 4 year old. As I did, he grabbed my hand and started sniffing it. I just looked at him for a minute (because actually, this isn't the first time he's been known to sniff me) and he looked at me with his big, mischievous eyes and announced, "You smell WONDERFUL!" Then both of us just started cracking up. So the next time I saw him, he came and sat on my lap and I jokingly told him, "You smell wonderful." He looked at me in complete seriousness and said, "I farted."

  • And a classic from our family: When my cousin, Lizzy (who is my age) was a little girl, she was found sitting on my grandparent's door step with a sucker stick in her mouth. As she sat there pretending she was smoking (like I say, she was really little) she was singing, "I am a child of (puff) God."

Ok, there's the "funny" part. Now how about something new?
  Try this recipe for homemade taco pizza! There are some people who think that just sounds too weird - taco pizza? Trust me, it is sooo good!!

 For the pizza crust this is the recipe we use:
   1 1/4 c. warm water                             
   1 Tablespoon (or package) yeast       
   1 T. sugar                                            
   1/2 T. salt
   1 T. oil
   4-5 c. flour (just enough to have your dough between squishy and firm - isn't that helpful? :)

Mix well. Throw down on counter 20-30 times (yes, throw it like you mean it). Let rise 15 - 20 min.

This makes enough dough for one pizza (you can make scones with it, too). Once it's out on your pan, spread it with this:

  1 can. refried beans - or as much as you like to get it good and covered
 Into the beans mix garlic, and or, onion powder, taco seasoning, and any other flavors you like. You can also mix in a little bit of canned milk to make the beans a little easier to spread.

  Spread that over the dough then top with chopped onions, and cooked hamburger pieces (if you like that).

Bake at 475 for about 12-15 minutes, or until it looks tasty.
   When you pull it out, sprinkle cheese over it so it can melt without getting crunchy.
Then top it with diced/sliced tomatoes, chopped lettuce, olives, avocado chunks, crunched taco chips, or anything else you like on tacos.
  And of course, dipping your piece in ranch dressing makes any kind of pizza taste better. You could even drizzle ranch over the whole thing.

  This is just my own personal favorite way of doing it. But it's pizza, so make it however it sounds good to you!!

  Hmm, what else is there to add some color to this wintery month?
Oh, if you want to read an interesting book, try "The Count of Monte Cristo". I just finished it and it kept me interested the whole time. I was thinking that it might get to be too much to plow through, but it was actually pretty quick paced and intriguing.

 One last thing before I end this random post. I found this quote not too long ago and I thought it was a good one:
   "Adversity is a comma in our story, not a period. It is not the end...often, it is the point at which the story gets really good."
 Not that I'm saying my life is full of adversity, it's just a good reminder for when those "tricky bits" do come along in life - which they're supposed to because that's one of the ways we learn and grow. And this quote is right, sometimes it feels like the hard parts are where it all stops. But I've had experiences, and I'm sure you all have too, that just when I thought all my chances were past and the good was gone - nope, something happened that was better than even I'd imagined (and trust me, I'm a dreamer, for sure).
   So just remember to wait and hope. Sometimes it's the un-known that turns out to be just what we needed.
   Well anyway, however you do it, enjoy the rest of the month!! I'll say one thing, as I've been out driving around the last couple mornings, I finally noticed how lovely it is at the beginning of the day. Seriously, the trees are frosty and almost completely white, it's amazing! There's always something good to see out there. Enjoy!

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