Monday, February 27, 2012

The report

So are you all wondering how the concert was? :) It was great! Saturday turned out to be a super full day, but going to the concert was the thing on all of our minds. Mom and Dad went to the temple that day and the plan was that Dad would bring Mom to the Civic Center to meet up with Kelani, Gretchen (Nani's friend) and I since she's as much a fan as any of us. :)
So during the day on Saturday, Nani hung out with me and came along while I performed with my Irish dance and clogging groups at the Kid's Fair. We got done there at 5:00 and had to start hurrying so we would have time to make it to Nampa, buy tickets, and make sure we got good seats. Nani and I ran over and picked Gretchen up, grabbed some tasty food from Delsa's and took it home to hurry and inhale it so we could get going.
Well, of course we were running late and starting to worry that we were going to miss the beginning of the show - I mean, in all the 10 or 11 years that we've been going to their concerts we've never missed them come on stage at the beginning (at least that I can remember).
Traffic was a joke and we were beginning to wonder if we would even make it to the freeway before 7:00. Just when our nerves were spiking, Dad called to find out where we were because him and Mom were just pulling into town. Once he heard that we were still so close he asked if we could just meet up with them and pick Mom up and then we could all ride together. So we did some re-routing and met up with them in the church parking lot. I even slowed the car down long enough for Mom to jump in as we passed them. :)
Normally I'm fine handing over the wheel to whoever else in the car is capable of driving, but not today. We zipped over to the Civic Center and watched as the clock got closer and closer to 7:00.
We all started re-assuring each other that the singers knew we were running late and that they'd surely put the show on hold until we got there. We could just picture an NCC employee standing at the door, walkie-talkie in hand and giving the word - "They're here" as soon as he saw us pull in.
We got there and according to the clock in the car, it was a couple minutes after 7:00, but we knew that clock was just a few minutes fast. Nani and Gretchen got dropped off at the door and headed to the ticket line while Mom and I looked for a parking spot. We hustled in once we got parked and hurried over to where the girls were in line. Kelani had a huge grin and said, "I just heard the best news. The usher by the door just told everyone that the show wasn't starting until everyone out here had a chance to buy their tickets!" We started cracking up and saying that we knew they'd wait! :D
So we got our tickets and found 4 seats in a row that was just about the perfect distance from the stage (but just enough out of range not to get any really good pictures of the actual concert).
So up until last September these 5 brothers have gone by the name of "The Standards". But they officially changed the name of their group to "Spencer's Own" (Spencer is their dad's name) as they've changed genre and gone a bit more country, rather than their original focus on A Capella. They still have their brother, Nic, doing alot of the percussion A Capella for their songs, but they all play guitars or harmonicas and things like that, too.
Anyway, they'll probably always be "The Standards" to me, since I've known them by that name for literally half of my life, but either way their music is great.
We hung out after the show and got to talk to them for a while and catch up with things that have been going on since the last time we saw them. They're always so nice and it's still fun to think that even though they meet so many people all over the states, they remember us and are so friendly and familiar. So we took our traditional group pictures and had plenty of time to visit. Fun times!!


The Toad said...

OH MAN!!! What a day for you guys!!!! hahaha! I'm so glad you made it!!!!! :D

Elena said...

Ha Ha! I'm going to guess that if they really did know you were coming and running late, they really might just hold the show for their most loyal fans!

All About Gretchen! said...

I always love a day I get to see my future husband... did you hear i am their # 1 fan on facebook? baha...

Janis Solders said...

You are so "in to it"!!! How many years have you been going to their concerts? Are you still "waiting" for the one singer you've had a crush on all these years?

Glad you had a good time!

Our Family said...

Hey Etau! Haha, no - no more "waiting" on the old crush. :) Besides, if I waited on every singer I've ever had a crush on I'd still be holding out for Elvis or Justin Timberlake!! JK!
Nope, gotta hold out for a real possibility now. :)