Once upon a time there was a young girl known throughout the land as Kelani Farnsworth. One day while watching one of her favorite shows ("American Idol"), several years ago, she caught the first glimpse of the man whom she would soon dream of as her future husband. His name?
David Archuleta.
While he innocently captured the hearts of young girls throughout the country, one would stand out above the rest, a heart that beat only for him - Kelani's heart.
As his fame grew, so did her undying affection, and who would blame her? For this young man lived the same standards as she did, was kind to those he met, and had a wonderful singing voice that could warm even the coldest of hearts.
Through the years, Kelani kept a faithful watch on David's website waiting for the day that his tour would include her hometown, Boise. Finally, after years of hoping, she was elated to discover that David would in deed be coming to Boise for a Christmas concert.
She immediately went to her father to ask him if she could buy the VIP pass that would grant her an audience with her handsome Romeo prior to his concert. But it was not to be. And so, only slightly let down, she was happy that she would at least be able to buy a regular ticket and stand in the crowd as close to the stage as possible.
Kelani's parents and oldest sister thought it would be fun to accompany her to the concert and get a glimpse of the man who's music had been playing throughout their home for years.
But fate, it seems, would have more in store for thus young admirer. Finally, the week of the concert had arrived and Kelani was beside herself with excitement for Thursday to get here. But due to the aid of a friend, Kelani received word that on Wednesday at the local Deseret Book, none other than the amiable, available David Archuleta himself would be there to meet all the single ( *hem hem* desperate) ladies in the land.
Wednesday came and Kelani found herself standing in line with her mom and two sisters (who she knew were no competition) at Deseret Book, only moments away from seeing the man of her dreams in person at last.
The overly-filled store was charged with screams and cheers as the adorable David entered the room and took his place at the counter in the back of the store, where he knew he would be in the company of many silly girls for the next several hours of his life. But he bore it graciously and greeted each hopeful young lady with a smile.
But Kelani just knew that it would be different for her, and she waited with bated breath as she slowly made her way closer to where he was.
Kelani caught glimpses of David through the crowd, and time became a nuisance as she waited for the moment to come.
At last! She found herself face to face with our melodic, young hero and she was nearly speechless as he signed their names onto a cd (and poster).
Of course, even knowing that he was out of their league, Kelani's sisters joined Kelani and David in a picture (possibly the first of many family pictures to come). But the cranky employees of the store had had enough of the fans and were shoving them through the line as fast as possible. Kelani came away with the whole moment as a beautiful blur in her mind - but feeling a slight twinge of regret that she hadn't had time to be in a picture of just the two of them.
But do not despair! In another unexpected twist of fate, a friend of the family came to Deseret Book to do some shopping (completely un-aware that David was there). Much to Kelani's amazement, this friend was an acquaintance of David's, and upon hearing the sad tale of the missed opportunity for Kelani to be with David for a picture of just the two of them, the friend pulled a few strings. Before she knew what was happening, Kelani was once again at the side of her comely crooner. And if that wasn't enough, David hugged Kelani before the night was through.
She went away that night with dreams of David running through her mind. And as she stood in the crowd during his concert the following night, she knew that one day he would spot her in the throng of fans and realize that hers was the face he would always remember.
No matter where he goes and who he meets, he will always have a place in the heart of a sweet, young girl from Boise, Idaho.
Oh I just love him! You have my permission to marry him. LOL! DARLING photos of you both!! So fun that you got to meet him.
They make an ADORABLE couple, dontcha think??? XD
I am so jealous... STILL
of kelani.
I must admit...
they are pretty cute couple:)
haaha. thanks tiana...that was wonderful...haaha..(reall, it was! i'm impressed!) ;D
I sure love this blog. :-D
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