Then we got to watch "Zorro" on a huge projector on the side of their house. It was alot of fun to lay out on a blanket and be there watching a movie with so many people in the family.
On Saturday some of us went to a luau that was happening at the nursing home where my great grandma lives. It's good to get to go do stuff with her when we have the chance (and no, she didn't hula, even though we were hoping to see some action)!
Then later that day my cousin got sealed to her husband and their baby in the Twin temple. Grandpa Farns got to seal them, and I'm sure it was awesome! Malia and I helped another cousin watch her kids, and her sibling's kids (our second cousins) until it was time to get the baby, Harley, to the temple. She was so good!
After the sealing, everyone went to Aunt Lisa's for dinner, which was a blast. We were supposed to be heading home pretty soon after that, before it got too late (the dinner wasn't until 7:00), but we had a rather impromptu swim party after we finished eating.
Heather and Becky and a few of us went up to the pool, mainly to watch the little kids swim. But while we were up there, Heather (being her usual, hilarious self) started teasing Dad about something. The next thing we knew, he was up at the deck getting ready to chuck her into the pool - completely dressed (aka, no swimsuit). It was a riot and everyone busted up laughing, including her husband, Brad (who is in the pool watching).
In she goes!

A little chilly?
The great thing about Heather is that once she was wet, she decided she might as well keep swimming. So she hopped back in and didn't come out for most the night. She had Brad tossing her, she helped us make a sweet whirlpool (side note - Becky and I weren't in our suits either, but we decided to join the party and got in the pool, too!), and she roused up the gang to catch my dad and toss him in (which we did)!

A little chilly?

them fully dressed; some of them came willingly, and some by force. :)
In fact, the first time someone chased Rachel down to try to throw her in the pool, she ended up tackling him to the ground and into a bunch of gravel! I was quite impressed! But even she didn't stay dry for long...... in fact, pretty much no one did.
One of the best stories ever. So fun!!
thats how i ma... not the shoes!!! i hate getting thrown in the pool in your clothes!! especially when thats the only dry pair you have!! haha
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