Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Prom is in the air

It's that time of year! High schools throughout the world
(ok, maybe not the world, but around here) are gearing up for "the big one"....... prom!
Well, David decided to go where none of us (Malia and I) have gone before, and ask someone to the prom. Her name is Hailey and she's a fun girl from our ward who goes to Borah High school.
Here's the sign I helped him make that we taped to the windshield of her car (among other things that we did to it).
The plan was to wait until really late at night, then go over to her house (which is just behind ours) and saran wrap her little VW beetle and put the note on her windshield.
So around 11:00, David and I went over there and most the lights in the house were off. He went around the car with the saran wrap a couple times, but a few lights had come on in the house and he was getting nervous that someone in there would see us. So I hurried and taped the sign on and we left.

But, it was such a pathetic wrap job that I kept telling him we needed to go back and use more. So we came home, rallied the troups, and me, Mom, Dad, and David went back over a little later and Dad and David got the job done right!

Now we wait for the reply......


Heather said...

This is awesome!!!!! i can't wait to read on......

All About Gretchen! said...

one question. have you ever saran wrapped a pregnant woman to her bed/??? --don't do it:D and thats a pretty sweet idea!!!