Friday, April 2, 2010

April Fools

In our family, April Fools is really a holiday to celebrate! Not that we need an excuse to prank each other, but it just makes us extra aware of things to try on the people in our family (and friends).
Well, yesterday was filled with a few small pranks, but classics just the same. Of course the old standby is to tape the handle of the squirter hose thing on the sink. Malia totally soaked the front of her shirt- thanks to me! :) We also put double-stick tape on the inside of the steering wheel of my dad's truck. So like I say, nothing too big.
By the end of the day we still hadn't done much more than that. Dad had tried pulling a couple things on us that failed (what's new? :D) but I wasn't going to just let the day end without one more attempt. What I did might be considered cheating, because technically the prank wouldn't have happened until the next day. But before I went to bed, I taped the squirter at the kitchen sink again, thinking that no one would discover it until the next morning. No big deal, right?

So, Dad had gone to bed, Mom had been up reading, but then eventually went to bed. I was the last one still awake. So just before midnight I turned my light off and was just starting to fall asleep when I heard someone walking down the hall. Hmmm, kind of suspicious, seeing that I'd finally gone to bed....could Dad have been waiting for that moment to finally strike with a good prank? So I laid there and listened to see what was going on.
A second later, I heard someone going downstairs and into the kitchen - at midnight? After listening a little longer, I realized that Mom had gone in to use the bathroom (which is right next to my room), and that Dad was in the kitchen.
So I sat there anticipating the cry of surprise when Dad would turn the sink on (apparently he wanted a quick drink). I heard the water come on, but then didn't hear much. So now I was confused even more.
I leaned up over the end of my bed to poke my head out into the dark hallway and try to ask Mom what was going on, once she came out of the bathroom.
Well, poor Mom was probably half asleep (for the moment) and couldn't see very well since she wasn't wearing her glasses.
As soon as she came out, I whispered, "What's Dad doing?" Of course seeing my "floating" white head in the dark doorway was the last thing she probably ever imagined.
She started making this strangled sound in her throat (trying not to wake everyone else up) and starts swatting at my head, then grabs it and says, "Ooooo, you scared me!!!!" And I couldn't hold it in and I burst out laughing.
Meanwhile, she'd started laughing, and then who would turn up but Dad.
He's more confused than any of us and says, "What're you guys doing?" I catch my breath long enough to look at him, and notice that he's standing there holding his wet shirt!!!! The taped hose had worked better than I thought!
Mom asks what happened to him, and by now I'm having a fit of hysterics!
I couldn't have planned all of that better if I'd tried! Luckily, the only person who really got woken up by the whole thing, was our weiner dog, Penni.
Mom and Dad headed back to bed, and I tried getting back to sleep (since it's past midnight by now). I couldn't stop laughing, and just when I thought I was in control, it would start all over again, and I just laid there and laughed silently for about another 10 minutes.
Needless to say, we managed to have another successful April Fools (even if it was "slightly" un-intentional). The great thing is, it's never too early to start planning for next year......


The Toad said...

I love you guys! XD tehehehe
I wish I could pull off such awesome pranks!

Elena said...

Funny funny! Alyssa syran wrapped the toilet seat. I saw it before I sat down, but then decided to leave it for Jarom. He sat before he saw it. So funny. And at the very same moment that happened, Alyssa realized I had toilet papered her room. I had the uncontrollable giggles just like you did. So hilarious.

Our Family said...

I love April Fools!!! It really brings out the best in people! :D
(By the way, Toad, my heart did stop for half a second when you told me about the solo!!)

The Toad said...

Oh good, even if you didn't believe me.... lololol

All About Gretchen! said...

your dad just came up the stairs without his shirt on? hahahahha